Sun, Oct 15
|The Soul's Logical Life Part 2
Topos - John Hoedl
The Soul's Logical Life Symposium Talk Part 2: "Soul AS Logical Life" To join please use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85947139907?pwd=Y1BYWlhWcVFMNGI2MTJ2MFl5UFlSQT09
Time & Location
Oct 15, 2023, 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
The Soul's Logical Life Part 2
About the Event
This talk is the second part of a presentation on Giegerich's book The Soul's Logical Life and will focus on the central topic: the “logic" in “logical life”. We will examine why Giegerich claims that the soul is ultimately logical life and how this is important for psychology. Indeed he writes in the preface of the book that, "Our time in history and the incredible problems that we face are such that we cannot afford not to advance to the insight that the innermost nature of soul is logical (is thought) and not to advance to a rigorous notion of psychology."
But what really is "logical life"? Jung never mentioned this term, so where does it come from and what is it doing in psychology as the discipline of interiority? Join us as we discuss these important questions.
To join please use this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85947139907?pwd=Y1BYWlhWcVFMNGI2MTJ2MFl5UFlSQT09